今天无意中看到GCC IRC 上的一段对话,
[21:34] dnovillo: that said - introducing record-builder atthis point seems wrong \[21:34\] what are the preconditions that you are thinking of? \[21:35\] that either everything "up" or everything "down" is C++-ified \[21:35\] C++-ifying random places makes GCC a mess \[21:35\] i don't understand what that means. \[21:35\] datastructures are the very bottom \[21:35\] a GIMPLE pass would be the very top \[21:35\] but some pieces of tree? \[21:37\] we are targeting specific facilities used by our teams. that's our guiding principle. they build new IL and types (asan). our mandate does not include converting the whole codebase into C++, we don't have that kind of budget.
看来有些global maintainer对现在C++的修改也不满意。而且google目前并不打算把GCC的所有部分都用C++重写。希望我理解错了。